Thursday 1 September 2011

Mobility of an idea

Extending the idea of mobility, I can't help but consider the idea of the importance of staying 'connected'. Updating your facebook status is second nature now. I am not sure how many posts I have seen about someone 'checking in' and telling me their intimate details and locations.
Everyone is going mobile and wireless. We have access to everything right from our smart phones, we can access files in a 'cloud' in the sense that everything is online and accessable to us at our fingertips. While is is broaching virtual, and the sense of non-physical, it seems that everything is only worth having if you can pick it up and move it. Society is fickle.

Anyway, Not necessarily saying this is a bad thing, but staying connected is forming an integral part of our own self worth. I have withdrawals simply from not being able to check my facebook or read emails if I don't have reception. It has essentially become an addiction - on top of that, I rarely read emails on my computer. There is something so much more convenient if it just 'slots' into your daily life in the background. It's a bit like air. It only really matters to you when you're not getting it!

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