Tuesday 9 August 2011


Brainstorming distribution and its relevance to the architectural construction of a capital city, we came up with the idea of an Ant hill.
That is, that everything is networked and nodal centres form the hubs of activity. This isn't really anything new, but it does physically represent the bio mimicry that we have as a society when it comes to politics.
Diagrammatically, we outlined 3 different networks that could be applied theoretically to a political regime.
-Nodal Centres
-Mind Maps
-Poly Centric formations

We thought of distribution, not of physical influence by of cultural and social influence also. Distribution of ideas as opposed to resources and physical objects and buildings.
Influential arms of various speeds and mobility - an Octopus perhaps! Just because an arm is not physically touching an area, does it mean that it is out of influence? and what if this means that its distributed, as opposed to accessed?

The efficiency of a network is dependent on the distribution of the process. Such as a production line and the various different purposed that each centre plays in adding to an existing thing/object/idea. - A specific use to apply and respond to an individual need, and then to relinquish control and move on. Grasp, change and then let it go.
Within a distribution context, there are various levels and tiers, each one connected yet separated. That is to say the inter and intra connectivity within
-a room
-a building
-a campus
-a city
-a state
-a nation
-a world?

Distribution of architecture instead is more a representative pattern, a way of symbolising the extended influence of a group of people who occupy the architectural artifact that forms a node within a distribution network.
I don't really refer to a factory or a warehouse as such, but a building is what facilitated the modification and application of something, much like a production line. Parliament house for example would act as a node that filters ideas through a network of information and governance. It prescribes laws and values to society that it is effectively harness from society. It takes everything that society has said, or done, or is, and it regurgitates it back to society in some abstracted and instructive manner. Architecture is therefore used as a medium to convey this, with power and importance ensuring adherence to the 'distribution'.

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