Friday 5 August 2011


Virutal; being such in power, force, or effect, though not actually or expressly such.

What does it mean to be virtual? is it just someone imagining something else? what if something exists only in your minds eye, does it mean that it doesn't exist at all? Can architecture be an implied footprint into someones mind and have the same impact? or is this no longer architecture?

From the group discussion, we focused on technology, and how that can help create and shape space from a blank canvas. -- How technology can make someone believe something is, when it actually isn't.
-Example, technology can imply a separation of spaces or the creation of it, without physically separating them. This can be done simply by the use of
-laser and lights
-sensors and movements
-interactive built forms and kinetic architecture

What does it mean to occupy virtual space?
Do you have to physically experience the space? or is it enough to connect with it remotely? via uploading and downloading data from a device?
What if merely thinking about it meant that you are connected to it, and that it is real? ---> Of course, if you think about it, than it is real to you, but is it real to someone else?
What if in the future, movie sets weren't actually defined by the director of the produces or anything like that. How many times have we read a book, and then seen the move adaption only to be disappointed in the set design, or be surprised, because someone else had a different interpretation of a virtual or imagined world than you.
Books are so magical because they allure to a space, but then your own imagination gets to take over and essentially complete the design. You become you own designer as you read, filling in the gaps and stitiching together a world that to you is (depending on how emotionally you attached you are to the book/story) every bit as real and physical as your own.

That is to say, what does it mean to be a 'real' space?
IS your minds eye any less important because what it sees and imagines is less physical? does it mean that it is any less real? Can you die in a virtual world and remain unharmed, both physically and mentally in your realistic state?

In terms of architecture and real life situations, I think about Distance education. You are all connected to a 'virtual' classroom and learning environment, while you are in the comfort and familiar surroundings of your own home. But how can you imply a learning environment? There is something more empowering ad engaging by sitting in a classroom with out students, being able to see peoples expressions and faces and here the tones in their voices.
--> what if you can completely surround someones mind and imply a learning environment, while they are still remotely engaged?
Of course there is email and text and webcams and all of that, but what if you can completely dissolve any sense of isolation? (I feel like I am touching on social networking here! what if facebook created a virtual coffee shop where you can have virtual coffee with all of your friends? you can all interact with each other, but you don't see a screen in front of you, and .... infinite. No one will ever see anyone else ever again?)

Virtual: is it just a symbol, that you can induce behavior and attitude? And can a virutal world exist if no one designed it or planned it?
All in all, this is a pretty philosophical topic, and one that you can't really ever arrive at an answer. Virtual architecture? Although it does actually have a definition, what does it really mean? and how can virtual architecture actually become relevant to a greater society?

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