Friday 5 August 2011


What exactly constitutes a portable building? or Portable architecture?
To various places? - Does that mean that the building doesn't need to be mobile or portable, but the service that it houses?
Portable architecture is extending the atmoshpere and feeling of a thought, or a theory.

What if it is only a portable social life - In terms of a political agenda, can you have a mobile political life? Obviously, as a member of parliament someone is meant to represent an entire region/ electorate. This is what makes parliament portable and mobile. It has representatives from everywhere to cover the scope of the Australia or the country/state/region in general.
But can you have a portable parliament without having the people as vehicles? Why does the parliament have to by physically mobile? Shouldn't it just be the access to the parliament is mobile.

Modern society is used to direct and instant access. We want everything now, and that include access to the people who run our country. We can send emails to our MP's, however does this really mean that its accessible to us?
I like the idea of Q+A on the ABC. They show the tweets from people who are watching the program with regards to topics that they discuss on the show. Is this true democracy? We should be able to scrutinize everything the people we elect do. Parliament should be open to this type of mobility and access - It makes parliament mobile by bringing it to you remotely. Albeit with the help of virtual technology.

One of the tutors in the studio asked us to think about the idea of the forum.
Historically, the forum was a market place, a discussion of judiciary affairs and an assembly for the people. Now, most forums that we interact with are internet forums, which still operate seemingly in a similar way, just over a cyber world. They happen virtually. Its a meeting place, often about certain topics to facilitate discussion and procurement and advancement of ideas and theories.

What if governments and their decisions were run by virtual forums? Why can't our MP's be dictated to by the general public through the use of internet forums? What if ballets and elections were a thing of the pass in terms of physically polling? It would essentially make our parliamentary process my efficient and altogether more mobile?

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