Tuesday 11 October 2011

Iconic yet approachable

Architecture Photography: T Bailey Offices / Olson Kundig Architects - T Bailey general view (68225) - ArchDaily

As part of the brief, the architectural installation is meant to be 'iconic'.
From the strategy that my group and I came up with, the purpose o my building is to represent a regional accessibility of the current parliament.
I am turning a transportation infrastructure - a Historical train station into a community hub of exchange, not just physical interchanging, but ideological and political exchange.
I guess in a nutshell, I am trying to recreate a new town center which is integrated with the train station, which is envisaged to be the main access into and out of the town once High Speed Rail is introduced.

In order to justify our strategy, I have clearly made a few assumptions of Albury. Firstly, that they currently lack a successful political exchange system. This however is probably radically unlikely, given the historical context of the town, but then again, it is a large town in itself, and expected to grow, especially with the introduction of HSR.
The point is, I have an issue with integrated the new installation into the existing towns context, yet at the same time ensuring that the power and influence of the Federal Government of Australia is adequately represented. This building, being an extension of Parliament House in Canberra, needs not only to be iconic, but uphold respect for the governing institution of the country - but maintaining the balance of respect and approachability.
As an exchange of ideas, between people and their government, or just other people, it is essential that people are made to feel equal and valued. They need to be made to feel like they are owners/owned by this development. They need to feel like it is an extension of their living room perhaps?
I keep coming back to Q and A on the ABC. Everyone loves to comment via twitter throughout the program, yet few people actually feel compelled (or comfortable enough) to physically interact on a public level.

Anyway, my dilemma = How to balance the need for approachability with the need for a large, iconic (impoing) building.

It comes back to first year Design and the humble and heroic spaces. It is all about scale, texture and atmosphere.

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