Friday 11 November 2011

2nd Storey Development

This is the second level of the political forum. It is designed to cater for the political needs of both the state and federal and local parliamentarian needs. A one stop political shop.
This is provided to create a more integrated approach when it comes to collaboration between the people responsible for representing the local community.
I have chased to create it as a 2nd level of the complex to segregate it from the ground floor, predominately public uses, such as the auditorium and the function room. Additionally, it places the staff in a prominent position, giving authority and importance to them and their services. Additionally, in terms of functionality it, It enabled the footprint to remain as small as possible, leaving the surrounding land able to be given to landscaping and parkland, giving services back to the community, and also allows for planting for breezes and shade, not only of the parks, but of the building itself. Given the wind angles, the breezes could be cooled by the landscaping and natural elements by the land to the south, before they enter the building (stacking the rooms gives more ability to cross ventilate, given the smaller distances between facades/ depth of offices. Furthermore, solar gains from the north - North East can be greater over a 2 storey level, maximizing external facade area.

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