Friday 11 November 2011

Auditorium/ Forum Form detail exploritory sketch

Here is a little expoloratry sketch of how the light in the afternoon will enter into the auditorium. I wanted to ensure natural ventilation and light into the forum. I thought it rather important as predominately it would be used in the evening and the afternoon. Given that it is more informalised and political, I didn't see the need to main entirely controllable light sources, as the normal function isn't theatre or musicals or concerts or anything like that where natural light my impact on the performance.

However these can always be catered for by adding curtains or some form of blocking shade that can be opened or closed according to use.
Further, the windows are orietated into each other, helping to block out a majority of the harsh afternoon sun. Each protrusion aims to shade the other in most cases, and the large ones can be opened to capture the prevailing south west winds, a bit like a casement window. The walls facing due west however would be made solid to block out the sun/ heat all the time. Due to the lights unsatisfactory characteristics.

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