Wednesday 9 November 2011

Mapping major hubs of activity

I did some mapping, to work out where the major hubs of activity in the CBD were. The blue squares are the major retail  hubs, the yellow are the sports facilities, and the red roads highlight the degree of congestion. Not so much congestion, but the use of the roads. The two thick red lines represent the main street of the city and the Hume HWY, the old connecting road into and out of the main part of the town.There are a number of secondary roads that run off the main street, which appear to have specialty and boutique services and retail.

Particular note is the little activity towards the existing train station entrance. Given that I want to harness the energy of human input and debate in my political forum, I need to orientate any new entity towards an expected pedestrian or accessible connection - an engaging street frontage.

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